Lead Engineer & DevOps for the API team
Evolution and design of the Leroy Merlin high-traffic and highly-available core business API, data integrations pipelines, and customer services:
Creation of a platform to make partners and internal staff integration faster:
DevOps for the customer system transformation
Deployment and upgrade of new applications for GDPR conformity of the Adeo group customer management applications:
Lead Developer and DevOps for the Socle 3 project
Building of the fast and highly-available API foundations for the Boulanger retail company, as well as setting the standards for the future Boulanger services:
Imprimerie Nationale - Mobility and Inclusion Card project - France
Creation of an application to allow citizens with disabilities to easily manage their disability card requests:
Technical Expert - Front-end and API development.
Ponts et Chaussées Ministry - Great-Duchy of Luxembourg
Design and creation of an automated ticket processing system for road safety:
Ministry of the Interior - France
Extension of the French speed ticket processing chain to a multi-purpose infringement management system:
Ministry of the Interior - France
Modernization of the French tax declaration by automating paper declarations processing:
SFR Group
Ministry of the Interior - France
Creation of the ticket seizure and management for the French Ministry of the Interior:
Orange Group
Auchan Group
Ministry of the Interior - France
Enhancements of the operational portal of the French automatic speed ticket management system:
JavaJavascriptVueJSGolangSpring FrameworkReactorGulpAngularAngularJSHibernateJUnitMaven
Docker & ContainerizationOpenShiftGCPDatadogTerraformElastic StackAnsibleGitlab CICircle CIPrometheusTraefikJenkinsConfiguration Management
Clean CodeCode ReviewsReactive programmingTest-Driven DevelopmentDesign Patterns
RESTful principlesMicroservice ArchitectureSpring MVC and WebfluxJAX-WS & JAX-RSSOAP
GitBranching models (Gitflow & Github flow)
RSAsecured environmentsSmartcards & PKCS#11
Training on Elasticsearch fundamentals, from indexation, analyze to search and suggestion queries as well as advanced functionalities.
Introducing and promoting Prometheus as a way to monitor containerized and orchestrated applications and how developers can add performance as well as business metrics in their applications.
Hands-on workshop on Ansible. After an overview of Ansible advantages and principles, attendees could then make their first steps with this Infrastructure as Code tool.
Chinese calligraphy and painting, climbing/bouldering, travel and photography.